Title | A Novel Design of a Robotic Vehicle for Rescue Operation |
Authors | Md. Shahriar Hossain, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman, Mohammad Shahariar Asif |
Supervisor | |
Semester | Fall, 2015 |
This project designed and implemented a robotic vehicle that uses a new control system based on Bluetooth communication with an Android Phone as the controller. For this project, an Arduino Microcontroller, a Bluetooth module, DC motors, motor drivers, a distance sensor, cameras, temperature and gas sensors are used. It is named a rescue robot because it can be used as a helping hand to the human rescue team by providing general information about the situation of the affected area or in mines. This robotic vehicle can also be used in other fields. The designed system is flexible enough so it can easily be upgraded or modified to be used in a variety of situations according to the need.
This project is a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. At the end of this project we have come to develop a prototype of the design. This robot can now successfully detect an obstacle within 25cm and stops instantly. Moreover it is controlled by an android phone via Bluetooth.
As the robot will be utilized for rescue purpose, for that the robot is planned with such a route along these lines, to the point that it can transmit the state of the affected area. It can gives the data about temperature, humidity and transmit the live video of the craved spot where the rescuer needs to go. To quantify the temperature and humidity, a DHT sensor is utilized which fundamentally measure the temperature of the adjacent environment. To demonstrate the temperature, a display is utilized. It is attached to Arduino to demonstrate the readings of temperature and humidity sensors. Video is transmitted with a mobile phone using Wi-Fi.