Advanced Modelling and Control of Magnetic Levitation System Using Metal Sphere

Title Advanced Modelling and Control of Magnetic Levitation System Using Metal Sphere
Authors Mohammed Abrar Zahin, Arman Rahman Khan, Samee Al Haque
Semester Fall, 2015

leviationThrough the magnetic levitation ball bearing system, we have achieved partial magnetic levitation. Simulations on MATLAB show that the system reaches steady state within 0.2 seconds with 5% overshoot. We were able to create a fully functioning electromagnet. The testing of the electromagnet was done using a Hall Effect sensor connected to an Arduino UNO controller. The Arduino software displayed “detect” when Hall Effect sensed magnetic field from the electromagnet; otherwise the software displayed “not detect”.

Complete stability of the magnetically levitated ball was not achieved as the ball kept getting stuck to the electromagnet. The ball’s levitation was tried to be controlled using the Arduino controller by turning the electromagnet on and off in quick succession. As a result, we found that the ball started oscillating, but was still not levitating at the desired height.

Further testing revealed that the current through the coil directly controlled the electromagnetic force generated by the electromagnet. Moreover, it was found that this increase in electromagnetic force allowed the electromagnet to hold larger masses.