Title | BIRSRESTHO,First Person Shooting Game On the Battles of Birsrestho Mostafa Kamal |
Authors | Riasat Azim Khan, Hasib Hasan, Shovon Mohsin Farabi |
Supervisor | |
Semester | Fall, 2015 |
In our capstone project, we have built a game. The game is a first person shooting game based on the plot of The Liberation War ‘1971. The plot of the story is focused on the battle of Bir Srestho Mostofa Kamal. The heroic battle he fought during the time of our liberation war in 1971 is reflected in the levels of our game. Our motivation is to teach the young generation the history and battle of the valiant soldier also known as Birsrestho Mustafa Kamal in way they prefer most, which is technology based. So upon playing this game, they will be able to experience the battle Birsrestho Mustafa Kamal fought.
The liberation war of 1971 is a historical event of Bangladesh. In our war, the valiant soldiers also know n as The Birsrestho played very important roles throughout their heroic battles at the war. One and every Bangladeshi must know their story of their battles that played vital roles in the liberation war. Though the text books include the biography and battle stories of the Birsrestho, but yet they don’t remember their battles as they are not presented in an exciting way. And people learn a little from the things they don’t enjoy. So that was our motivation to work on this project.
Project Goal
The young generation is generally interested in technology based anything. So we wanted to use that opportunity to make them know and experience a bit about the heroic battles they fought. So we have built a first person shooting game which reflects the battle Birsrestho Mustafa Kamal fought. Thus the young generation will enjoy the game and also learn about the battle of Birsrestho Mustafa Kamal fought. So our project goal is to present the battles in an exciting way which is to build our first person shooting game where the user is able to play their battles. That is the solution we are proposing