Title | Design & Development of ICT Based EPI Micro-Plan Scheduler for Bangladesh |
Authors | Jubayer Alam(1420268042), Maliha Tasnim(1420184042), Md. Adib Obaid(1420071042) |
Supervisor | Dr. Rajesh Palit |
Semester | Summer, 2018 |
EPI (Expanded Program on Immunization) plays a vital role in the field of vaccination which was initiated on 1979, and thus the vaccination rate is increasing day by day. The vaccination schedule process is doing manually now without the touch of any software and therefore, proper monitoring process from the top administration level is not ensured. Moreover EPI related data and information are not stored under one roof. So, we propose an automation process to rebuild the vaccination schedule program through a software, which will thus ensure proper monitoring, accountability, transparency and hence will make a positive impact to increase the rate of vaccinated child in Bangladesh.