steps & leaps forward: an intra-nsu tech-talk contest

IEEE NSU Student Branch along with its Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE AG) as well as Power and Energy Society (PES), Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) and Industrial Applications Society (IAS) Student Chapters are organizing an Intra-NSU tech-talk Contest on New Directions in Space Technology to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Apollo Moon Landing this year.

Students are invited to choose a current topic from Space Technology and prepare an exciting presentation covering any recent advancement in the field, new challenges, state-of-the-art engineering feats, or any subject matter of inspiration and innovation in the intersecting domain of STEM and Space. Participants can sign up as individuals or as teams and are requested to choose from any of the following selected themes:
• Women In Space
• Power and Energy in Space
• Robotics and Automation In Space
• The Booming Space Industry

After choosing a topic and researching on it, participants are requested to submit their title and abstract within 250 words. Finalists will be invited after being selected from the abstract submissions and they will be given the opportunity to present their talk. Winners will be chosen based on presentation and content. The goal is to inform the audience about new directions in Space Tech in the most entertaining and informative manner possible within the short period of time!

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