Result of MS qualifying Exam-Fall 2018: Click here
ECE department requires all MS-CSE students to pass qualifying exams of any three to five different subjects form the seven subjects listed below. The requirement depends according to the following rule:
- For thesis based Masters students need to pass in three subjects
- For project based Masters students need to pass in four subjects
- For course based Masters students need to pass in five subjects
List of Subjects
Database Management Systems | Syllabus |
Computer Networks | Syllabus |
Software Engineering | Syllabus |
Operating Systems | Syllabus |
Artificial Intelligence | Syllabus |
Algorithms | Syllabus |
Automata Theory | Syllabus |
For each subject, students are required to register at the department. Without registration, students are not allowed to sit for the exam.
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Database Management System
- Introduction to database design
- Database design through Entity Relational (ER) model, entity, relation, relationship sets,
- Key, principal constraints, weak entities, aggregation, class hierarchies,
- Conceptual design through ER model, UML design.
- Relational model
- Creating and modifying relations using SQL,
- Integrity constraints over relations,
- Transforming ER to relational model,
- Views and operations on views.
- Relational algebra and Calculus
- Selection, projection and other set operations,
- Joins, division,
- Tuple and domain relational calculus.
- SQL queries
- Basic SQL queries,
- Nested SQL queries,
- Aggregate and join operations,
- Complex integrity and triggers.
- Transaction management
- ACID properties of transaction,
- Serializability, lock based concurrency control, deadlocks, performance of locking,
- Deadlock prevention, timestamp based concurrency control.
- Schema refinement and Normal forms,
- Introduction to schema refinement and problems caused by redundancy,
- Functional dependencies, different normal forms,
- Lossless join decomposition and dependency preserving decomposition.
Reference Book:
- Database Management System. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, McGraw Hill, 3rd. or 4th. Edition.
- Fundamentals of Database System. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fifth/Sixth Edition, Pearson Education.
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Computer Networks
- Functionalities/services of each OSI and TCP/IP layer, Network Applications and protocols
- UDP, TCP, Flow Control and Congestion Control
- Wireless networks – Spread spectrum, FHSS, WLAN, hidden and exposed node problems
- Network security – encryption and decryption, Digital Signature, Hash functions
Reference Books:
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
- Computer Networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. (Chapters – 2, 3, 4.4, 5 to 8)
- Data Communications and Networking by Forouzan (Chapter 3)
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Software Engineering
- Software process models, process iteration, software specification, software design and implementation, software validation, software evolution, automated process support
- Management activities, project planning, project scheduling, risk management
- Defect testing, integration testing, object oriented testing, testing workbenches
- Limits to thinking, group thinking, choosing and keeping people, the people capability maturity model
- Requirement analysis, functional vs. nonfunctional requirements, use cases, requirement completeness and inconsistency
- Object oriented concepts e.g. inheritance, polymorphism, overriding etc.
- Software design and software engineering, design fundamentals, effective modular design
Reference Books:
- Software Engineering – Ian Sommerville (Chapter 1, 3, 4, 20, 22)
- Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach – Roger Pressman (Chapter 6, 8, 10)
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Operating Systems
- Concepts on OS and its Structure
- Look at Firmware, Bootstrap programs
- Various OS types (No Structure, Layered, Micro kernel based etc.)
- Virtual Machines (JVM and VMWare – basic concepts)
- Memory Hierarchy and relationship among them
- System Call (What is it, look at fork() )
- Question Pattern: There will be questions about basic concepts on these three topics to know about your understanding.
- Concepts on Process Management
- Scheduling Algorithms(FCFS, RR,Priority, SJF)
- Various Threading models (The context when a model is useful)
- Synchronization (Hardware methods e.g. test and Set, Swap; Software Methods e.g. Semaphores, Monitors)
- Classic Synchronization Problems ( Dining Philosophers, Reader Writer and Bounded Buffer )
- Critical Section and handling of it
- Concepts on Memory Management
- Current Knowledge of Any OS
- Question Pattern: There will be a math problem from scheduling algorithms, one problem on synchornization and one from the other concepts
- Concepts on Memory Management
- Contiguous Allocation scheme
- Paging (and its illustration)
- Segmentation (and its illustration)
- Virtual Memory scheme for paging and segmentation
- Question Pattern: There will be a question on illustration on any memory management scheme where the scenario is given.
- Current Knowledge of Any OS
- Question Pattern: Here you will be asked to write a short note on any current OS of your choice. It will be a good idea to know about its advantages and limitations.
Reference Books:
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to AI, the foundations and the state of art of AI.
- Intelligent agents
- Agents and environments,
- The nature of environments, the structure of agents,
- Different type of agents.
- Solving problems by searching
- Problem solving agents, well defined problems and solutions, real world and different toy problems,
- Different search strategies like breadth first, depth first, depth limited, bidirectional, iterative deepening search.
- Informed search and exploration
- Heuristic search strategies,
- Greedy best first search, A* search,
- Heuristic functions,
- Local search algorithms and optimization problems like hill climbing, simulated annealing, local beam and genetic algorithms,
- Constraint satisfaction problems,
- Knowledge and reasoning or expert systems
- Logical agents and their properties
- Propositional Logic(PL), reasoning patterns in PL, resolution, forward and backward chaining, effective propositional inference,
- First order logic and semantics and syntax of first order logic,
- Quantifiers and knowledge engineering in first order logic,
- Inference in first order logic, forward backward chaining, the resolution inference rules, conjunctive normal forms etc.
- Learning
- Learning decision trees
- Neural Networks
Reference Book:
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig. Pearson Education, 2nd Edition.
- Artificial Intelligence. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight. Mc GrawHill, 2nd Edition.
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Algorithms
- Introduction to Algorithm and Flowchart. Illustrate best and worst case running time analysis of algorithm using Insertion Sort as an example
- Asymptotic analysis of algorithms: Big/small Oh, Big/small Omega, and Big/small Theta notations. Analyze worst case running time of different algorithms. Amortized analysis.
- Introduction to divide and conquer algorithms. Describe different divide & conquer (D&C) algorithms:
- Merge Sort,
- Quick Sort
Methods for solving recurrence relations: substitution methods and recursion tree method
- Heap data structure and its operations/applications: MaxHeapify, BuildMaxHeap, HeapSort, etc. Analyzing running time of these algorithms
- Lower bound on the running time of comparison sorts. Linear time sorting algorithms: (i) Counting Sort, (ii) Radix Sort. Applicability and running time analysis of these algorithms.
- Dynamic programming (DP) algorithms, its properties and contrast them with greedy problems. Longest Common Subsequence problems and analysis of algorithms for solving these problems
- Major graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, TopologicalSorting, MST-KrusKal, MST-Prims, Dijkstra’s, and BellmanFord algorithms. Implementation, applications, and analysis of these algorithms.
- Unsolvable vs. Intractable problems, P vs. NP, Basic theory of NP Completeness, proving NP-completeness, approximation algorithms, approximation ratio
Reference Books:
- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, “ Introduction to Algorithms”, 3rd , The MIT Press
- Ellis Horwitz, Sartaz Sahni, “Computer Algorithms,” Silicon Pr; 2 edition
- Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, Sanjoy Dasgupta, “Algorithms”, 1st
- Éva Tardos, Jon Kleinberg, Algorithm Design, 1st
Syllabus for Qualifying Examination of Automata Theory
- Alphabets and languages, string operations, formal languages
- Regular expressions (RE) and regular languages, operators of regular expressions, applications of regular expressions, pumping lemma for regular languages
- Deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata (DFA, NFA, ε-NFA), conversion between finite automata and regular expressions, conversion from ε-NFA to DFA, conversion between NFA and DFA, applications of finite automata
- Context-free grammars and languages (CFG and CFLs), Chomsky normal form (CNF), Parse trees, ambiguity in CFG and parse trees, applications of CFG, Pumpling Lemma for CFL
- Pushdown automata (PDA), language of a PDA. Acceptance by final state and acceptance by empty stack, equivalence of CFG and PDA
- Turing Machines (TMs), Computing with TM, Church-Turing thesis.
- Universal Turing Machines, halting problem.
- Computability, decidability, reducibility, Unrestricted and Context Sensitive Grammars and their corresponding languages, Chomsky’s Hierarchy of languages.
- Common types of computational problems: decision, search, counting, and optimization problems. Time and space complexity, hierarchy theorems, complexity classes P, NP, NPC, #P, L, NL, PSPACE, BPP and IP, complete problems, P versus NP.
Reference Books:
- Harry Lewis & Christos Papadimitriou, “Elements of The Theory of Computation”, 2nd Edition
- John Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation”, 3rd Edition