The Master of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (MS-EEE) program at NSU is designed to train the students to become competent and efficient engineers in the area of communication,  Electronics, Control, System, Powers and other Electrical Engineering related fields as well as to provide support for industrial research needs. The graduates will be able to plan, analyze, design, implement, operate, test, maintain and manage the Electrical and Electronics systems and business. The program is highly recommended for the students who wish to purse highest level of academic carrier with the focus of research in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The program is also easily accessible to engineering professionals who wish to pursue advanced studies in Electrical Engineering in order to obtain technical as well as engineering management positions in the industry.

Admission Requirments

General requirements for admission to the MS EEE program:

  • The students who have completed B.S. in EE/EEE/ETE/ECE are eligible to apply for admission in EEE Master Program.
  • The students who do not hold a B.S. degree in EE/EEE/ETE/ECE but obtained B.S. degree in other engineering program/Applied Physics may enroll in the MS in Electrical Engineering Program provided that they complete the remedial courses required by the Department. The students will be required to pass Signals and Systems. In addition, they must demonstrate proficiency in three of the five following areas of specialization by successfully completing or challenging the corresponding courses: Electromagnetic, basic course on communication, electronics, control systems and electrical machines or energy conversion. In some cases, the EEE Graduate Admission Committee may require additional remedial classes. The list of remedial courses are as follows:
    • EEE111 Analog Electronics I
    • EEE141 Electric Circuit I
    • EEE221 Signals and Systems
    • EEE241 Electric Circuit II
    • EEE 311 Analog Electronics II
    • EEE313 Semiconductor Devices and Technology
    • EEE312 Power Electronics
    • EEE321 Introduction to Communication Systems
    • EEE 342 Control Engineering
    • EEE361 Electromagnetic Fields
    • EEE362 Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems
    • EEE363 Electrical Machines
  • The minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (in a 4.0 scale) or minimum of 2nd-class in BSc-Hons/M.Sc.
  • Acceptable score in the NSU admission Test or a score of 1100 in the Quantitative and Verbal part of GRE General Test ( old system) or equivalent in new GRE system
  • Three letters of recommendation

Degree Requirements

The EECS master’s program at NSU offers both a thesis option and a non-thesis option for the master of science (MS) degree in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) major.

  • The total credit hours required to complete the MS-EEE degree are 33 credit hours minimum beyond the Bachelor’s Degree which includes a thesis work.
  • The total credit hours required to complete the MS-ENG degree are 36 credit hours minimum beyond the Bachelor’s Degree which does not require a thesis work.

However, these options are available only for the students who can enroll as Regular Graduate Student Status at EEE. A student with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in EE/EEE/ETE/ECE from an accredited university may be admitted as a Regular Graduate Student status in the MS EEE program. This status allows the student full participation in the MS-EEE program

Conditional Graduate Student Status:

Students who do not hold a B.S. degree in EE/EEE/ETE/ECE may be admitted as Conditional Graduate Student Status in MS EEE program. However, students with conditional status must petition for the admission to the Regular Graduate Status after completing the Remedial courses. The students will be required to pass Signals and Systems. In addition, they must demonstrate proficiency in three of the five following areas of specialization by successfully completing or challenging the corresponding courses: Electromagnetic, basic course on communication, electronics, control systems and electrical machines or energy conversion. In some cases, the EEE Graduate Admission Committee may require additional remedial classes.

Remedial course list (for conditional students whose B.S. is not in EE/EEE/ETE/ECE)

  • EEE111 Analog Electronics I
  • EEE141 Electric Circuit I
  • EEE221 Signals and Systems
  • EEE241 Electric Circuit II
  • EEE 311 Analog Electronics II
  • EEE313 Semiconductor Devices and Technology
  • EEE312 Power Electronics
  • EEE321 Introduction to Communication Systems
  • EEE 342 Control Engineering
  • EEE361 Electromagnetic Fields
  • EEE362 Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems
  • EEE363 Electrical Machines

Thesis Option:

The MS-EEE thesis option requires minimum of 33 credit hours that includes 21 credit hours of formal coursework and 12 credit hours of thesis.  All MS thesis program students must complete a written thesis. Upon completion of the thesis, an oral defense is required, which consists of a public presentation of the student’s work to the department and the student’s supervisory committee. The Supervisory Committee for MS degree thesis program consists of the student’s thesis supervisor and a minimum of three (3) graduate faculty members selected by the EECS Graduate Program Committee.

Following are the specific requirements must be met for MS EEE thesis option:

  • Coursework: Minimum 21 credit hours of graduate-level of coursework (500 and 600 level) satisfying the following:
    • Minimum five (5) graduate courses (15 Credit hours) must be from three (3) different Technical Interest Areas (TIAs)
    • Minimum two (2) graduate courses (6 Credit  hours) from any of the listed TIAs (possibly used to increase student’s depth/breadth in a particular area of interest)
  • Graduate Thesis :  12 credit hours of MS Thesis – EEE 600
  • Oral Thesis Defense: Oral defense consists of a public presentation of the student’s work to the department and the supervisory committee. A submission of thesis written report must be submitted to the Chairman of the Supervisory committee at least two weeks prior to the actual presentation date.

Non-thesis option:

The MS-ENG (non-thesis option) requires minimum of 36 credit hours that includes 30 credit hours of TIA coursework and 6 credit hours from special topic and project courses.

Following are the specific requirements for MS-ENG (non-thesis option):

  • Coursework: At least 30 credit hours of graduate-level coursework (500 and 600 level) satisfying the following:
    • Minimum six (6) graduate courses (18 Credit hours) must be from three (3) different Technical Interest Areas (TIAs), with minimum of two courses (6 Credit Hours) from each of these three TIAs.
    • Minimum four (4) graduate courses (12 Credit Hours) from any of the listed TIAs (possibly used to increase student’s depth/breadth in a particular area of interest)
  • Special Topic / Project course:  Minimum two (6  credit hours ) courses among the following three courses:
    • EEE 596: Special Topic I (Advances in Electrical Engineering I)
    • EEE 597: Special Topic II (Advances in Electrical Engineering II)
    • EEE 598: Graduate Project

Guidelines of these special courses are available through the Chairman of EECS Curriculum Committee

General Rule:

The students must secure a CGPA of 3.0 for the award of the MS-EEE & MS-ENG degree both in thesis and non-thesis options. A student must complete required number of credits with minimum CGPA of 3.0 on a 4 point scale to earn the degree. To continue in the program a student must maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.0 at all levels of academic advancement. If in any semester the CGPA drops below 2.70 the student will be on academic probation. If a student remains on probation for two consecutive semesters, he/she will be dismissed from the program.

Course Listing

Remedial Courses (only for conditional students) – [3 Credit Hours each]

  • EEE111 Analog Electronics
  • EEE141 Electric Circuit I
  • EEE221 Signals and Systems
  • EEE241 Electric Circuit II
  • EEE313 Semiconductor Devices and Technology
  • EEE312 Power Electronics
  • EEE321 Introduction to Communication Systems
  • EEE361 Electromagnetic Fields
  • EEE362 Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems
  • EEE363 Electrical Machines

Special Topic / Project / Thesis

For Thesis option:

  • EEE 600: Graduate Thesis – 12 Credit Hours

For Non-thesis option:  (choose any two course)

  • EEE 596: Special Topic (Advances in Electrical Engineering I) – 3 Credit Hours
  • EEE 597: Special Topic (Advances in Electrical Engineering II) – 3 Credit Hours
  • EEE 598: Graduate Project – 3 Credit Hours

Elective Coursework  under Technical Interest Areas

Currently, the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program supports Four( 4) Technical Interest Areas (TIAs) as listed below:

  1. Electronics, Signals, and Control
  2. Communications, Electro-magnetics and Optics
  3. Power
  4. VLSI and Computer

Courses of these Technical Interest Areas (TIAs) are listed below [3 credit hours each]

  1. Electronics, Signals, and Control
    • EEE 510 Linear Integrated Electronics
    • EEE 512 Solid State Electronics
    • EEE 513 Nanotechnology
    • EEE 514 Micro- Electromechanical Systems Technology and Devices
    • EEE 515 Advanced Principles of Electronic Packaging
    • EEE 516 Optoelectronic Devices
    • EEE 520 Stochastic Signals and Systems
    • EEE 521 Neural and Fuzzy Systems
    • EEE 522 Advanced Linear Control Systems
    • EEE 523 Nonlinear Systems – Analysis, Stability and Control
    • EEE 524 Optimization of Engineering Systems
    • EEE 526 Advance Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design
    • EEE 528 Modern and Optimal Control Systems
    • EEE 586 Special Topics
  2. Communications, Electro-Magnetics and Optics
    • EEE 532 Radar Systems Analysis and Design
    • EEE 533 Digital Communications
    • EEE 534 Mobile and wireless Communications
    • EEE 535 Satellite Communications
    • EEE 536 Optical Communications
    • EEE 540 RF & Microwave Engineering and Applications
    • EEE 542 Advanced Antenna Theory and Design
    • EEE 543 Advanced Fiber Optics and Applications
    • EEE 545 Information and Coding Theory
    • EEE 546 Network Architecture and Protocols
    • EEE 547 Information Technology Security and Trust
    • EEE 587 Special Topics
  3. Power
    • EEE 550 Power System Operation and Control and planning
    • EEE 551 Electric Machines and Transients
    • EEE 552 Smart Energy Systems
    • EEE 553 Microcomputer Applications in Power Systems
    • EEE 554 Advanced Power Conversion Techniques
    • EEE 555 Power System Modeling and Control
    • EEE 556 Smart Grid Design and Operation
    • EEE 557 Electric Energy and Environmental Systems
    • EEE 588 Special Topics
  4. VLSI and Computer
    • EEE 560 Advanced Computer Architecture
    • EEE 562 Multiprocessor Programming
    • EEE 563 Systems on a Chip Design
    • EEE 564 Secure Hardware Design
    • EEE 565 Pattern Recognition
    • EEE 566 Electronic Design Automation
    • EEE 568 Advanced VLSI Design
    • EEE 569 Advanced Real-Time Systems
    • EEE 589 Special Topics
    • EEE 660 Computer Vision Systems
    • EEE 661 Network and Computer Security
    • EEE 663 Advanced Computer-Aided Engineering Design
    • EEE 667 Digital System Design and Applications
    • EEE 668 Multimedia Networking

Electronics, Signals, and Control

Communications, Electro-magnetics and Optics


VLSI and Computer