Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BSEEE)

A. Mission and Vision

A.1 Mission and Vision of the Institution


North South University will be and remain a center of excellence in higher education. It will gain recognition, nationally and globally and will attract students, faculty, and staff from all parts of the world.


The mission of North South University is to produce competent graduates in their selected disciplines who will have productive careers or choose to engage in advanced studies.  Our students will be:

  1. Life-long learners with good leadership skills
  2. More proficient in oral, written and electronic communication
  3. Critical thinkers with well-developed analytical skills
  4. Ethical and socially responsible
  5. Champions of diversity and tolerance
  6. Globally aware with commitment to social justice and sustainability

A.2 Mission and Vision of the Department

ECE Vision

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NSU would like to be recognized as the role model to produce high caliber graduates, undertake research to address challenging development issues through ECE inventions, and shape the creation of innovation led ECE industry in developing economies for creating high paying jobs and improving the quality of life.

ECE Mission

The missions of the Department of ECE at NSU are:

  1. To educate our students to meet high standards of excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering in preparation for professional careers and advanced studies.
  2. To create and disseminate new knowledge through basic and applied research in the Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  3. To serve as a resource of Electrical and Computer Engineering expertise at the national, regional and international levels
  4. To provide policy and development leadership for the growth of innovation led Electrical and Computer Engineering Industry in Bangladesh and other developing countries.


B. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

B.1 PEO Statements

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BSEEE) curricula are designed to provide the fundamental principles of engineering and science, and the broad based general education essentials to the continued professional growth of the typical graduates. The general objective of the BSEEE degree program is to prepare graduates to become successful in their chosen career paths. Specifically, the graduates of the program will be able to:

PEO1- Expertise: Excel as professionals in electrical and electronic engineering by building upon the problem-solving skills and knowledge, team-work abilities, and communication skills acquired through the program.

PEO2-Enhancement: Participate in lifelong-learning activities that enhance their professional and personal development through continuing studies including graduate studies, professional trainings and licensure.

PEO3-Engagement: Demonstrate globally aware social justice, ethical and leadership role and responsibilities through personal and professional contributions to society.

B.2 Alignment of the PEOs with the Institute’s Mission:

The program objectives were crafted within the framework of the mission of North South University (NSU), the mission of the School of Engineering and Physical Science (SEPS), and the mission of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Table 1 shows how the BSEEE program educational objectives are aligned with NSU Missions.

Relationship between NSU mission goals and PEOs

NSU Mission PEO1






1.      life-long learners with good leadership skills X X X
2.      more proficient in oral, written and electronic communication X X
3.      critical thinkers with well-developed analytical skills X X
4.      ethical and socially responsible X
5.      champions of diversity and tolerance X
6.      globally aware with commitment to social justice and sustainability X

The program objectives are designed to produce graduates who will be well educated in the fundamental concepts of computer science and engineering, mathematical principles and, moreover, will be able to continue professional development throughout their life. Due to economic globalization, the interdisciplinary teaming and communication skills are becoming increasingly important. As such, we prepare graduates to function ethically and responsibly in diverse environment. The program is structured to provide a curriculum and the associated assessment processes that cater to the program educational objectives as outlined in Table 2.

Table 2: Relationship between Curricular Elements and PEOs



Curricular Elements

Program Educational Objectives

PEO1- Expertise



Basic science, math and general education ** * ***
Program core courses *** ***
Option area courses *** ***
Laboratory experiments ** ** *
Design project *** ** *
Intern/Coop/Directed Research *** **
Seminar, workshop, meetings, presentations etc. * * **

Note: *slightly, **moderately, ***highly relevant


C.Program Constituencies:

The constituents of the engineering program include the following:

  1. Employers of graduates of the program
  2. The alumni
  3. Current undergraduate students
  4. The faculty


  1. Employers of graduates of the program:

Employers of our graduates are the primary constituents of the program. Program objectives are based primarily on the needs of employers. The department has a plan to periodically survey the employers of our graduates. The most employer input comes from recruiters visiting campus, especially during the Career Fairs. Career Services department asks Career Fair industrial representatives to fill out surveys that provide information for the program.

  1. Alumni:

Alumni are very actively encouraged to share their perspectives on and advice for the program through alumni surveys and the human interchange fostered by the alumni newsletter and personal visits to alumni by department faculty members. The yearly departmental reunion provides an opportunity for discussion and feedback from alumni. The department has a plan to periodically survey the alumni.

  1. Current undergraduate students:

Undergraduate students are constituents of the program. Their parents and families are considered constituents, although indirectly, because of their natural interest in the quality of the program. The department chair meets with Student Advisory Board (SAB) when needed but at least annually to find out problems and issues faced by the students. SAB is very active in both voicing concerns and suggesting solutions to problems and recommendations for improvements. The student constituency is also consulted through graduation surveys and exit interviews.

  1. The Faculty:

The departmental and associated non-departmental NSU faculties are a constituent of the program. The faculties are involved in professional development trainings, workshops, seminars, conferences and publications. The faculty also participates in various workshops and meetings related to curriculum development and engineering accreditation.

A. Program Outcomes (POs)

A.1 PO Statements

The student learning outcomes of BSCSE program are adapted from the (a) to (l) outcomes preferred BAETE as well as the program outcomes defined Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.

Upon completion of the BSEEE program, the students will demonstrate the following (a) to (m) outcomes:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization as specified in K1 to K4 respectively to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Identify, formulate, research literature and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. (K1 to K4)
  3. Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. (K5)
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems using research-based knowledge (K8) and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations. (K6)
  6. Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems. (K7)
  7. Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solution of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts. (K7)
  8. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. (K7)
  9. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
  10. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Knowledge Profile


A systematic, theory-based understanding of the natural sciences applicable to the discipline


Conceptually based mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and the formal aspects of computer and information science to support analysis and modeling applicable to the discipline


A systematic, theory-based formulation of engineering fundamentals required in the engineering discipline


Engineering specialist knowledge that provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of knowledge for the accepted practice areas in the engineering discipline; much is at the forefront of the discipline


Knowledge that supports engineering design in a practice area


Knowledge of engineering practice (technology) in the practice areas in the engineering discipline


Comprehension of the role of engineering in society and identified issues in engineering practice in the discipline: ethics and the engineer’s professional responsibility to public safety; the impacts of engineering activity; economic, social, cultural, environmental and sustainability


Engagement with selected knowledge in the research literature of the discipline

A.2 Alignment of Program Outcome to Program Educational Objectives

The following Table 3 shows the relationship of the Program Educational Objectives to the Program Outcomes (a) through (n)

Table 3:  Mapping between PO to PEO

Program Outcomes (POs) Program Educational Objectives
PEO 1: Expertise PEO 2: Enhancement PEO 3: Engagement
1.    PO1 Engineering knowledge X X
2.    PO2  Problem analysis X X
3.    PO3 Design/development of solutions X X
4.    PO4  Investigation X
5.    PO5 Modern tool usage X X
6.    PO6 The engineer and society X
7.    PO7 Environment and sustainability X
8.    PO8 Ethics X
9.    PO9 Individual work and teamwork X X
10.  PO10 Communication X X
11.   PO11 Project management and finance X
12.   PO12 Life-long learning X
13.   PO13 Contemporary X

Program Requirements

The BS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree program requires minimum of 130 credits in about 4 years (12 Semesters) to complete.

The breakdown of the total 130 semester credit hours is given as follows:

Category Credit
University Core 34
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences (SEPS) Core 38
EEE Major Core 42
EEE Major Capstone Design Project 4
EEE Major Electives 9
Open Electives 3
Intern/Co-op /Directed Research Non-credit
Total Credit 130  Credits

University Core                                                                                                                                                                           (34 Credits)

Languages (12 Credits)
ENG 102 Introduction to Composition  3
ENG 103 Intermediate Composition 3
ENG 111 Public Speaking 3
BAN 205 Bangla Language 3
 Humanities  (9 Credits)
PHI 104 Introduction to Ethics  3
HIS 102 Introduction to World Civilization 3
HIS 103 Emergence of Bangladesh 3
Social Sciences (9 Credits)
ECO 101: Introduction to Microeconomics/ ECO 104: Introduction to Macroeconomics 3
POL 101: Introduction to Political Science/ POL 104: Introduction to Governance 3
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology/ANT 101: Introduction to Anthropology/ ENV 203/ GEO 205 Introduction to Bangladesh Geography 3
Computer and Math Skills
CSE115 Programming Language I *    and 4
CSE115L Programming Language I  Lab*
MAT 361 Probability and Statistics * 3
MAT 125 Linear Algebra *  3
Sciences (with Lab) (4 Credits)
BIO 103 Biology  4
PHY 107 Physics I * 4
CHE 101: Chemistry I * 4

* in School of Engineering and Physical Sciences core 

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (SEPS) Core (38 Credits)
MAT 116 Pre-Calculus 0
MAT 120 Calculus I 3
MAT 130 Calculus II 3
MAT 250 Calculus III 3
MAT 361 Probability and Statistics ** 3
MAT 125  Linear Algebra ** 3
MAT 350 Engineering Mathematics 3
PHY 107 Physics I (with lab)** 4
PHY 108 Physics II (with lab) 4
CHE 101 Chemistry I (with lab)** 4
EEE 452 Engineering Economics 3
CEE 110 Engineering Drawing (EEE 154) 1
CSE115 Programming Language I ** 3
CSE115L Programming Language I Lab** 1

** Counts toward general education

EEE Core Courses (42 Credits)
EEE 141  Electrical Circuits I 3
EEE 141L  Electrical Circuits I Lab 1
EEE 111 Analog Electronics I 3
EEE 111L Analog Electronics I Lab 1
EEE 211  Digital Logic design 3
EEE 211L  Digital logic design Lab 0
EEE 241  Electrical Circuits II 3
EEE 241L  Electrical Circuits II Lab 1
EEE 221  Signals and Systems 3
EEE 311  Analog Electronics II 3
EEE 311L  Analog Electronics II Lab 1
EEE 361 Electromagnetic Fields & Waves 3
EEE 312 Power Electronics 3
EEE 312L Power Electronics Lab 0
EEE 321  Intro to Communications Systems 3
EEE 321L  Intro to Communications Systems Lab 0
EEE 342  Control Engineering 3
EEE 342L Control Engineering Lab 1
EEE 362  Power Systems 3
EEE 362L  Power Systems Lab 0
EEE 363 Electrical Machines 3
EEE 363LElectrical Machines Lab 1
EEE Major Capstone Design (4 Credits)
EEE299   Junior Design Project I 1
EEE499  Senior Design Project I 1.5
EEE 499B Senior Design Project II 1.5


EEE 498 Intern/Co-op /Directed Research Non-credit
Open Elective Course (3 Credits)

There is a 3 credit open elective, which a student may choose to take from any discipline. However, similar courses already taken in the core or other categories will not be counted

EEE Specialized Elective Courses (9 Credits)

The specialized elective courses will ensure students’ depth understanding in a particular area of interest. Students must take a minimum of three courses (9 credits) to fulfil the requirements of Specialized Courses. Students must take a minimum of two courses (6 Credits) from one of the following specialized electives trails and remaining one elective course (3 Credits) may be chosen from any other trail from the following.

1. Solid State Electronics Trail:

  • EEE 410 Semiconductor Devices and Technology
  • EEE 411 Introduction to VLSI Design
  • EEE 413 Verilog HDL: Modelling, Simulation, and Synthesis
  • EEE 414 Advanced VLSI Chip Design Methodology and Optimization using HDL
  • EEE 415 CMOS Analog Circuit Design
  • EEE 491 Special Topics 

2. Power System Engineering Trail:

  • EEE 461 Power System Operations & Reliability
  • EEE 462 Switchgear and Protection
  • EEE 464 Power Stations
  • EEE 465 High Voltage Engineering
  • EEE 468 Sustainable Energy Technology Systems
  • EEE 492 Special Topics

 3. Communications Engineering Trail :

  • EEE 422 Principles of Digital Communications (*ETE 422)
  • EEE 424 Mobile and Wireless Communication System + CL (*ETE424)
  • EEE 426 Fiber Optic Communication System + CL (*ETE426)
  • EEE 427 Satellite Communication System (*ETE427)
  • EEE 428 RF and Microwave Engineering + IL (*ETE428)
  • EEE 493 Special Topics

4. Robotics and Intelligence System Trail :

  • EEE 453 Microprocessor Interface and Embedded System (*ETE453)
  • EEE 432 Artificial Intelligence (*CSE 440)
  • EEE 433 Pattern Recognition and Neural Network (*CSE465)
  • EEE 436 Theory of Fuzzy Systems (*CSE470)
  • EEE 468 Computer Vision (*CSE 468)
  • EEE 494 Special Topics

5. Telecommunication System Trail :

  • EEE 331 Data Communications & Networks + IL (*ETE331)
  • EEE 421 Stochastic Signals and Systems (*ETE421)
  • EEE 423 Principles of Telecommunication Network (*ETE423)
  • EEE 451 Telecommunications Business and Management (*ETE451)
  • EEE 471 Digital Signal Processing + IL (*ETE471)
  • EEE 495 Special Topics









University Core Course

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (SEPS) Core Courses

Major Core Courses

Major Elective Courses

Solid State Electronics Trail

Power System Engineering Trail

Communications Engineering Trail

Robotics and Intelligence System Trail

Telecommunication System Trail