Title | Protibadi: A complete system to support victims during sexual harassment |
Authors | Shareen Mahmud Nabila Rezwana Mirza Prosonna Hossain Nabila |
Supervisor | |
Semester | Spring, 2016 |
Protibaadi has been designed to prevent and report sexual harassment. Women often feel at risk when they are outside and studies have shown that about 98% of women in Dhaka city are harassed at least once in their lifetime. In the era of Smartphones, there are several safety mobile applications in the market which require the users to take out their phones and send their locatio ns to their emergency contacts. However, this can be risky as it often draws attention of the harasser. As a result we have built a safety system consisting of a portable defense device and an Android application that can be remotely activated. The defense device is connected to the app via Bluetooth. It is compact and comes in a pouch which can be clipped to the user’s bag and carried comfortably. During an emergency, the user can discreetly press the safety device that is in her pouch to activate her mobile application and send help messages to her contacts along with her location. The design methods that have been used are easy to maintain, effective, comply with different standards and come at a low cost.