Fall 2018 TA Recruitment for ECE Department

Department of ECE is going to hire a number of teaching assistants (TA) for all different ECE courses. If you are interested please fill out this form by Oct 23, 2018.

Eligibility for TA –
For Undergraduate Assistantship students who have completed at least 80 credit hours and maintain a CGPA of 3.50 or above.

For Graduate Assistantship –
1. MS students with CGPA 3.3 or above
2. For NSU graduates but not yet enrolled in MS, CGPA 3.3. or above
3. MS students of first semester may also be considered based on their past academic results

Part time lab instructors may also apply for the position.

As a TA the main Duties and Responsibilities are the following:

1. Assist faculty members in their course related works
2. Conduct tutorial sessions for students needing extra help outside of class hours
3. Proctoring in exams along with instructor for the courses, if necessary
4. Grading of home-works, programming assignments, etc
5. Other duties as assigned by either the concerned faculty member or the Department Chair

A TA can work maximum 20 hours per week. He / she can also work 5, 10 or 15 hours per week as per his/her schedule.

Remuneration for 5 hours / week is 6,125 BDT per semester for UGA and 7,000 per semester for GA. Accordingly for 20 hours/week the remuneration for UGA will be 24,500 per semester and for GA 28,000 per semester. However, it will be finalized during your appointment.

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