UGA/GA Recruitment for ECE Department SUMMER 2024

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Department of ECE is going to hire a good number of Under-Graduate Assistant (UGA)/ Graduate Assistant (GA) for the different ECE courses. If you are interested, please apply through the following link by 27 June 2024.

For CSE UGA/GA applicants:

For EEE/ETE UGA/GA Applicants:

Eligibility for UGA/GA –
For Undergraduate Assistantship students who have completed at least 80 credit hours and maintain a CGPA of 3.50 or above.

For Graduate Assistantship –

  1. MS students with CGPA of 3.3 or above
  2. MS students of the first semester may also be considered based on their past academic results.

The main duties and responsibilities of a UGA/GA  are the following:

  1. Conduct tutorial sessions for students needing extra help outside of class hours.
  2. Grading of home-works and assignments.
  3. Assist in proctoring quizzes and exams.
  4. Maintain 04 hours per section in a week.
  5. Must maintain and display office hours for student consultation.
  6. Assist faculty members in their course-related work.

A UGA/GA can work a maximum of 20 hours per week. He/she can also work 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 hours per week as per his/her schedule.

The remuneration for UGA will be 47,800 BDT and for GA 54,600 BDT per semester for full load. However, it will be finalized during your appointment.

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