On 17th November, in North South University, cropped up the 1st Congress on “Bridging gaps among Industry, Academia and Govt” organized by ECE Department of North South University and co-host by IEEE Industrial Application Society North South University Student Branch. The chief guest of the event was Mr. Md. Abdullah Al Hasan Chowdhury, Additional Secretary (University), Ministry of Education, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Vice-Chancellor of North South University, Professor Atique Islam was present there as well as the ECE Department Chair Dr. Shazzad Hosain. The main reason for the event was to merge with Industry, Academia, and Govt. In that event, every private universities faculty spoke up and share their thoughts, experiences, queries, and entails. The guests from industries, they also kept their ideas in front of the table. The chief guest gave ear to everyone’s perceptions and kept his notions as well. Basically, it was a meeting everyone was allowed to give their opinions and everyone was able to understand each other’s vision and perceptions.

A brief talk was given by the honorable ECE Department Chair Dr. Shazzad Hosain regarding the meeting

After the long seminar talk, a crest was given to the chief guest by the Vice-Chancellor of North South University, Professor Atique Islam