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Academic Calendar Spring 2017-Revised
Revised_Academic Calendar Spring 2017_6APRIL_2017
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ECE Department kicks off their Capstone Innovation Challenge with Industry Leaders
North South University’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, in support with the student chapter of A.C.M (NSU ACM Student Chapter) – the world’s largest computing society, is organizing NSU Capstone Innovation Challenge 2017. On April 2nd, the Season 1 of Capstone Innovation Challenge 2017 kicked off with the event, “Connecting the Dots”. The aim of this event was to motivate students to use their imagination and come up with the next innovative thing and also how to materialize their ideas in a practical manner that is both feasible and economically viable. The program was presided over by […]
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Championship award in the Competition “১ আইডিয়াতে বাজিমাত”
NSU alumni of ECE department got the championship award in the Competition “১ আইডিয়াতে বাজিমাত”. This Competition was arranged by the Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources (MPEMR), Bangladesh. Team “Trans4mers” (Chowdhury Erfan Shourov and Fazle Elahi) took part in it and secured the 1st place. The prize money was worth 1 lac taka. The idea was “Security System and Maintenance for the Transformers in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh”.
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NSU Academic Calendar-revised on 8 March 2017
Revised_Academic Calendar Spring 2017_Updated_8March_17
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Revised Academic Calendar-Spring 2017
Revised_Academic Calendar Spring 2017_Updated_9 Feb_17
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