Latest News

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  • New Course Open

    New course OPEN – Fall 2016

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  • ECE Probation list

    for WEB CSC-CSE-163_probation for WEB EEE-163_probation for WEB ETE-163_probation Notice for Prob_Stud-Fall 2016

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  • Department of Mathematics and Physics Hiring Lab Officer (Part Time) For Fall, 2016

    The Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP) is currently accepting applications for the position of Lab Officer (Part Time) to teach PHY107 and PHY108 labs. Minimum Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, in Electrical, Electronic, Computer Engineering/Science with CGPA 3.50 or above in a scale of 4.0. Preference will be given to candidates enrolled at Master’s programs at NSU. To Apply: Submit the Cover letter with CV, one photo copy of all academic transcripts to the Department Secretary, Ms Shaila Sharmin Tuli, at SAC-1038 by 05:00 pm on September 1, 2016 (Thursday). Shortlisted applicants will be invited for […]

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  • MS Advertisement-(CSE-ETE-EEE)-Fall 2016

    MS Admission Ad Fall 2016

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  • MS-CSE Qualifying Examination Result– Spring 2016

    The following candidates have passed the qualifying examinations in the indicated subjects. (The middle four digits of the Id# have been used.) Operating Systems                                          :           None Automata Theory                                            :           None Artificial Intelligence                                       :           None Database Management Systems                   :           1870 Computer Networks                                       :           None Programming Language Principle                :           2095, 1870 Computer Architecture                                  :           None Software Engineering                                     :           1870, 1593 Design Analysis & Algorithm                        :           None   __________________________ Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Bari Chairman Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

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  • Revised Admission Test dates for Fall 2016 Semester

    This is for your kind information that due to eid vacation and some other issues, NSU Authority revised the Fall 2016 admission test dates for both undergraduate and graduate programs. New dates are: Undergraduate Admission Test date: August 6, 2016 (Saturday, 10:00 AM) Graduate Admission Test date: August 12, 2016 (Friday, 10:00 AM) All concerned are requested to plan accordingly. regards, Abdul Khaleque, Ph.D Director, Office of Admissions Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Microbiology North South University Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh Tel:  8802 55668200, Ext. 1180 Cell: 880 171 4178 729

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  • VACANCY Part-Time Lab Officer for Fall, 2016

    The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is currently accepting applications for the position of Part-Time Lab Officers. Minimum Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical, Electronic, Computer Engineering/Science or equivalent with CGPA 3.50 or above (scale of 4). Preference will be given to candidates enrolled at Master’s programs in the ECE Department at NSU. To Apply: Please complete the Application Form and submit with one copy of photo and copy of all academic transcripts to the Department Secretary, Ms Afrina Pervin, at SAC-935 by 05:00 pm on Thursday July 14, 2016. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview. If you have any […]

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  • MS-CSE Qualifying Exam Schedule- Summer 2016

    Registration Deadline: July 20, 2016qualifying exam schedule Summer 2016

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  • ECE Academic Advising (Summer 2016)

    All ECE students are requested to meet their designated Faculty advisor, who will provide academic advising throughout the academic years starting from June 21, 2016. Faculty Advisors will assist the students regarding:                Course selection                Degree completion requirements                Academic probation                Other academic/career matters   ECE Department EEE stud advisors-summer 2016 CSE stud advisors-summer 2016 ETE stud advisors-summer 201620 June 2016

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  • Pre-Registration-Fall 2016 Request to sign up

    All BS & MS students of ECE Department are requested to sign up for your desired BS & MS courses for Fall 2016 semester. You are requested to sign up at the office of ECE Department starting from June 19, 2016. To ensure opening of adequate sections of your desired courses, you must sign up by July 20, 2016.   ECE Department 16 June 2016

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