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MS-CSE Qualifying Exam-Spring 2016
Registration Deadline: March 22, 2016 Exam Date Time Subject Invigilator 24-3-2016 Artificial Intelligence Dr. Shazzad Hosain Software Engineering Dr. Shazzad Hosain 25-3-2016 Automata Theory Dr. M. Rashedur Rahman Database Management Systems Dr. M. Rashedur Rahman 31-3-2016 Operating Systems Dr. Nova Ahmed Algorithms Dr. Nova Ahmed 24-3-2016 Advanced Computer Architecture Dr. Abul L. Haque 1-4-2016 Programming Language and Data Structure Dr. Rajesh Palit Computer Network Dr. Rajesh Palit
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Revised Academic Calendar-Spring 2016
Notice: shifting of classes This is for the information of all concerned that Regular ST classes scheduled on Saturday, 13 February 2016 have been shifted to Saturday, 19 March 2016. Revised Academic Calendar for Spring 2016 including this change will be published on WEB soon. By order of the authority Registrar 09 February 2016 REVISED ON_ 9 February_Academic Calendar Spring 2016
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Student Advisors-Spring 2016
advisor-CSC-CEG-CSE-spring 16 advisor-EEE-spring 16 advisor-ETE-spring 16
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Revised Academic Calendar – Spring 2016
REVISED ON_ 31_January_Academic Calendar Spring 2016
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Cancellation of classes on Wednesday 17 February 2016
This is for the information of all concerned that due to the Rehearsal of 19th Convocation 2016, all classes of Wednesday, 17 February 2016 are hereby cancelled. Makeup of the above classes will be held on Saturday, 27 February 2016 as per MW class schedule. By order of the authority Registrar 1 February 2016
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ECE Lab policy approved by 61st Academic Council
As approved by NSU 61st Academic Council, ECE students are requested to follow the following criteria against the new Lab policy. Student must pass the Lab component separately in order to pass the course. Minimum 20% weight of total marks should be given to the Lab If a student fails the Lab component of a course, S/he will be considered as failed in that course. This policy on the laboratory classes will be effective from Spring 2016 ECE Department 01 February 2016
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Scholarship Opportunities for Talented Problem Solvers
To promote programming contest NSU has taken the following commendable steps: Provide full / partial tuition fee waiver to new or transfer students who have outstanding performance in International Olympiad of Informatics (IOI) and ACM-ICPC Regional. Conduct weekly training session for senior and junior students separately. NSU hires top trainers of Bangladesh to train the programming students Provide necessary funding to participate different national level contests Organize intra NSU programming contest in every semester Provide funds for top teams to go abroad to participate in ACM-ICPC regional Send teams abroad for different training camps Eligibility for Tuition […]
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