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ECE Lab policy approved by 61st Academic Council
As approved by NSU 61st Academic Council, ECE students are requested to follow the following criteria against the new Lab policy. Student must pass the Lab component separately in order to pass the course. Minimum 20% weight of total marks should be given to the Lab If a student fails the Lab component of a course, S/he will be considered as failed in that course. This policy on the laboratory classes will be effective from Spring 2016 ECE Department 01 February 2016
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Scholarship Opportunities for Talented Problem Solvers
To promote programming contest NSU has taken the following commendable steps: Provide full / partial tuition fee waiver to new or transfer students who have outstanding performance in International Olympiad of Informatics (IOI) and ACM-ICPC Regional. Conduct weekly training session for senior and junior students separately. NSU hires top trainers of Bangladesh to train the programming students Provide necessary funding to participate different national level contests Organize intra NSU programming contest in every semester Provide funds for top teams to go abroad to participate in ACM-ICPC regional Send teams abroad for different training camps Eligibility for Tuition […]
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NSU BugLovers has advanced to the 40th Annual ACM-ICPC World Finals
We are happy to let you know that NSU BugLovers, has advanced to the 40th Annual ACM-ICPC World Finals sponsored by IBM and hosted by Prince of Songkla University from May 15 –20, 2016 in Phuket, Thailand. NSU_BugLovers team from ECE department, led by Dr. Shazzad Hosain participated in ACM-ICPC 2015 Asia Regional Amritapuri Site, India on 20-21 Dec 2015 and secured 4th position in combined merit list after IIT Delhi (1st), Kharagpur (2nd) and Kanpur (3rd). The detail rank list is given below: https://icpc.baylor.edu/regionals/finder/amp-2015/standings Amritapuri site in Inida is the World’s largest ACM-ICPC regional. It […]
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Lab Officer Hiring-Spring 2016
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is currently accepting applications for the position of Lab Officer (Part Time). Minimum Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical, Electronic, Computer Engineering/Science or equivalent with CGPA 3.50 or above (scale of 4). Preference will be given to candidates enrolled at Master’s programs in the ECE Department at NSU. To Apply: Application Form is available at Lab Officer Application Form Complete the Application Form and submit with one copy of photo and copy of all academic transcripts to the Department Secretary, Ms Afrina Pervin, at SAC-935 by 05:00 pm on December 13, 2015 (Sunday). Shortlisted […]
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