EEE 464 Power Stations

Primary energy resources and available resources in Bangladesh. A brief introduction on the non-renewable energy sources (e.g., coal, oil, natural gas etc.) and renewable energy sources (e.g., hydro, biomass, solar PV, wind etc.) Wind speed and power relation, wind turbines: aerodynamic issues, Betz limit, aerodynamic power controls (pitch, stall, active stall), rotor power characteristics CP-ë, power curves, wind turbines: electrical issues, induction generator, self-excited IG, fixed and variable speed wind turbines, slip control, P and Q control (doubly-fed), wind turbine modeling: fixed and variable speed (rotor resistor control). The solar resource, photovoltaic materials and electrical characteristics, photovoltaic systems: current-voltage curves for loads, grid connected systems, stand alone PV systems.


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