ECE Lab Officer (Part-Time) Application – Summer 2022

The Department of ECE is going to hire a number of ECE lab officers for Summer 2022.

Click here to apply.

Application Deadline:
May 4, 2022

# Independently instruct 3 undergraduate labs (9 hours/week).
# Provide consultation to the students in the remaining contracted hours (11 hours/week).
# Assist in the preparation of laboratory manuals.
# Invigilate lab-related examinations.
# Carry out other lab-related duties assigned by the Department of ECE

Minimum Eligibility:
# Bachelor’s Degree in Bachelor of Science in computer science and engineering, Bachelor of Science in electrical and electronic engineering, Bachelor of Science in electronics and telecommunication engineering or equivalent.
# CGPA of 3.50 or above (scale of 4)
# Students who would be graduated (completed all requirements and have applied for degree) by Spring 2022 and WOULD NOT BE AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT in Summer 2022 can also apply.

You are confident that you can undertake the responsibilities of multiple lab courses from the following list (expertise in other labs outside the list is also welcome):
CSE 115L Programming Language I Lab
CSE 215L Programming Language II Lab
CSE 225L Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
CSE 231L Digital Logic Design Lab
CSE 332L Computer Organization and Design Lab
CSE 331L Microprocessor Interfacing & Embedded System Lab
CSE 332L Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
CSE 338L Computer Networks Lab
CSE 482L Internet and Web Technology Lab
EEE 363L Electrical Machines Lab
EEE 312L Power Electronics Lab
EEE/ETE 471L Digital Signal Processing Lab
EEE/ETE 424L Mobile and Wireless Communication System Lab
EEE/ETE 426L Fiber Optic Communication System Lab


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