Dr. Mohammad Abdur Rouf [MDAR]

Professor (Adjunct)
# Degree Institute Year Discipline & Field
1 PhD Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) 2014 Information and Communication Engineering (ICE)
2 M.Sc. in Eng. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) 2006 Computer Science and Engineering
3 B.Sc. in Eng. Khulna University 1999 Computer Science and Engineering
4 HSC Dhaka College 1994 Science
5 SSC Rampur High School 1992 Science
Office: SAC 1071
Office hours:

RA 11:05 to 12:05

Research Interests

Fault Tolerant Cloud Computing, Highly Available and Secure Cloud Computing, High Performance Database, IoT and Robotics in Healthcare Application, Disease Prediction and Healthcare Advice Generation, Big-data Analysis and Data Mining using High Performance Computing , Real-time Thread Scheduling in Multicore Processor, Low-power and Reliable Systems/Software for Multi-core Processor