Syed Ahsanul Karim and Hasan U. Zaman, "Implementation of Digital Circuits from Truth Tables using MIGFETs," International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing (IEEE EECCMC-2018), Tamil Nadu, India, 2018
Syed Ahsanul Karim and Hasan U. Zaman, "Qualitative Analysis of an Equivalent Full Adder Circuit Using MIGFET," Proc. of Intl. Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication (IEEE MicroCom2016), Durgapur, India, January 23-25, 2016
Syed Ahsanul Karim and Hasan U. Zaman, "Simulation and Visualization of Carrier Trajectories in Distributed MIGFET Devices," 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (IEEE ICCIT2016), Dhaka, 18-20 December, 2016
Maofic Farhan Karin, Khandaker Sharif Noor and Hasan U. Zaman, "Hardware Based Design and Implementation of a Bottle Recycling Machine using FPGA," 2016 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (IEEE ICSPC 2016), Melaka, Malaysia, 16-17 December, 2016
Michael Klaiber, Donald G. Bailey, Silvia Ahmed, Yousef Baroud, Sven Simon, "A high-throughput FPGA architecture for parallel connected components analysis based on label reuse.," FPT, 2013
M. Klaiber, S. Ahmed, M. Najmabadi, Y. Baroud, W. Li, S. Simon, "Imaging Sensor with integrated feature extraction using connected component labeling," SENSOR, 2013
S. Ahmed, Z. Wang, M. Klaiber, S. Wahl, M. Wroblewski, S. Simon, "Parallel hardware architecture for JPEG-LS basen on domain decomposition.," SPIE Volume 8499, 2012
J. Laackmaan, S. Ahmed, R. Sedelmayer, M. Klaiber, W. Pauer, S. Simon, and H.-U. Moritz, "Investigation of polymerization and drying of polyvinylpyrrolidone in an acoustic levitator using a smart camera for online process measurement," ICLASS, 2012
H. U. Zaman, J. Shen, and P. Krivacek, "Achieving 130MHz in 0.16um in a TD-SCDMA Coprocessor Chip," Analog Devices General Technical Conference (GTC), MA, USA, 2007
H. U. Zaman and C. H. Mastrangelo, "MISTIC 1.1: A process compiler for micro-machined devices," Proc. 8th Intl. Conference Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers'95), vol. 1, pp. 38-42, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995
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