
  Research Areas
Dr. Dr. Riasat Khan [RtK]
Associate Professor & Undergraduate Coordinator(EEE/ETE)
Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), New Mexico State University, USA
SAC 920
+88 02 55668200 Ext – 6382
Profile | Google Scholar | Scopus
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
Modeling and Simulation
Dr. Dr. Nafisa Noor [NaNr]
Assistant Professor & Graduate Coordinator
PhD – Electrical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
SAC 926
+88 02 55668200 Ext – 6188
Profile | Google Scholar | Scopus
Semiconductor Device and Technology
Modeling and Simulation
Dr. Dr. Shafin Rahman [SfR1]
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Engineering and Computer Science, The Australian National University, Australia
SAC 921
+88 02 55668200 Ext – 6187
Profile | Homepage | Google Scholar | Scopus
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
Dr. Dr. ASM Jahid Hasan [AJH]
Assistant Professor
PhD University of California, Riverside
SAC 1046A
Profile | Google Scholar
Modeling and Simulation
Power Systems and Renewable Energy
Dr. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Qayum [MAQm]
Assistant Professor
Post-doc, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering), New Mexico State University, USA
SAC 1044A
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Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Dr. Dr. Fariah Mahzabeen [FMA]
Assistant Professor
MS, Ph.D., Postdoc -  Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, USA
SAC 11105
+88 02 55668200 Ext – 6192
Profile | Homepage | Google Scholar | Scopus
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Mobile, Wireless and Web Applications Development
Semiconductor Device and Technology
Dr. Dr. Mohammad Shifat-E-Rabbi [MSRb]
Assistant Professor
PhD, Imaging and Data Science Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, USA
SAC 1146
+88 02 55668200 Ext – 6372
Profile | Homepage | Google Scholar | Scopus
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
Signals and Image Processing
Dr. Dr. Maktuba Mohid Binni [MMBA]
Assistant Professor
SAC 1010B
+88 02 55668200 Ext – 6383
Dr. Dr. Mohsin Sajjad [MOJ]
Assistant Professor
SAC 11104
Dr. Dr. M Maksud Alam
Assistant Professor
PhD in ECE from McMaster University, ON, Canada
SAC 912
Profile | Homepage
Signals and Image Processing
RF, Microwave and Communication Technology
Broadband Access and Communication Technologies
